The Community Coaching program provides inclusive and effective products, processes, and strategies that empower participants to make decisions together and get innovative things done.
Who This is For
Community Coaching often takes place in rural communities and within economic development organizations, but we go where the energy is! If an individual leader, board of directors, and/or a community are eager to build their local capacity, upgrade their current methods of leading, and engage the community in new ways, then Dakota Resources starts the conversation. Our goal is to empower rural shapers to make decisions together and get innovative things done.
What We Do
Led by our team of Community Coaches, Dakota Resources works to level up the capacity of rural leaders, economic development organizations, and rural communities through inclusive and effective products, processes, and strategies. We begin by asking questions that help us understand the unique needs of each leader, organization, or community. As we learn more, we expand the circle of influence and engage more community members to co-design what is needed to help the community move toward thriving.
Customized Coaching Services
While our work is highly personalized to each entity we serve, some examples of our Community Coaching services include:
- 1:1 coaching
- Leadership development
- Self-assessments for boards, organizations, and communities
- Strategic Doing Project Team Coaching
- Community Visioning Sessions
- Community conversations
- Core leadership team development
- Board training workshops
- Board Strategy Retreats
- B.O.L.D.: A Framework to Build Organizations for Local Development
- Empower Community Coaching (commitment: 24 months)
Rural CO.STARTERS Collaborative
Here at Dakota Resources, we have been working to think through how we might create strong partnerships that support building an entrepreneur ecosystems in rural communities for now and into the future. In partnership with Startup Sioux Falls, we are able to offer access to the CO.STARTERS curriculum as well as access to our Thriverr Network and a private space within Thriverr to collaborate with others organizing CO.STARTERS in their community. You’ll receive the following benefits:
- Marketing guide
- CO.STARTERS weekly planning checklist
- Graphic templates
- Application form template
- Event participation
- Start-Up Alliance Quarterly Virtual meeting
The cost is $1,500 annually to join.
CO.STARTERS graduates are now eligible for loans from our Business Microloan Fund as well. Learn more about that opportunity here.
How to Get Involved
The role of a Community Coach is to guide the process and then step aside to empower leaders, organizations, or communities to discover the answers together.
To connect with a Community Coach, reach out to Dakota Resources today!
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One of our challenges prior to working with Dakota Resources was how to decide which direction the Association should go and how to prioritize those concerns. Working with Dakota Resources has given me renewed energy and better clarification on the steps needed next. I hope the same team is available the next time we need to do Strategic Planning.
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