Roles Behind the Scenes Change at RuralX

By: Andrea Schmidt

Pinnacle Productions is the company behind the scenes at every RuralX. They run the audio/visual technology, coordinate with speakers and make sure the experience is seamless for everyone. If you’ve ever attended RuralX, you’ve probably noticed them in the background, taking care of many details.

This year, as RuralX goes virtual, Pinnacle Productions will still be present in the background. According to founder and president Christopher Hintz, even though there won’t be face-to-face contact, they will work hard to make sure everyone has a positive, smooth experience.

“We’ll be doing it virtually, but still the same level of work, with fewer moving parts on site,” says Hintz. “It’s going to be about creating something that’s going to captivate people’s attention in a virtual environment.”

Part of the role Hintz and his team will play is getting people to the right place at the right time, but online.

“We will be in virtual rooms helping with all the breakouts and other sessions that are happening,” he explains. “We’ll be working in concert with five or six other people, being sure everything is properly routed online so that everyone has a room to go to with the content that’s going to be delivered, with hopefully amazing Internet quality and no buffering. We’ll be facilitating all of those.”

Hintz says RuralX isn’t just another job for his team. They believe strongly in boosting rural communities and bringing them together.

“We love the fact that people are actually working on revitalizing their hometowns, and making it a better place to live and grow up and to have a career,” says Hintz. “With the advent of high speed Internet and working from home – which is the norm now – I think it kind of levels the playing field a little bit. That’s why we got involved at the very first RuralX.”

Sign up to attend RuralX!

If you’re not signed up yet, it’s not too late! RuralX will take place June 17-18 and will feature speakers Priya Parker, Author, The Art of Gathering and NYT Podcast Host, “Together Apart,”  and Sarah Smarsh, Author, Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, along with our Knowledge Camp Experts. Plus, breakout sessions will give you a chance to talk about what matters in your community now.

Register today!

Published On: June 10, 2020Categories: News & Notes

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