We connect capital and capacity to empower rural communities.
Our mission is the one reason Dakota Resources exists. It informs everyone in the organization what to do.

We believe in a thriving rural.
We recognize rural communities and the people who are a part of them have often had difficulty accessing resources, including capital and leadership development. A thriving rural means everyone in a rural community has an equitable opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the resources, systems, and structures available. Thriving also means everyone’s voice in a rural community matters in shaping their community’s future.
Who we serve
The work of Dakota Resources is shaped by people who are passionate about their rural communities. From economic development organizations to volunteers, and from boards of directors to engaged residents, the work to build a thriving rural requires many voices and many hands. And while a thriving rural may look different across rural places, as a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Dakota Resources believes that access to capital and leadership capacity are key to a thriving rural future — and that future is here.
Leaving Our Rural Community Better Than We Found It: The Call to Action for Every Resident
When I was a child, my mom ingrained in me the mantra: “Whatever you do, leave it better than you found it.” That statement resonates daily in my work as a community coach with rural leaders. As I help these rural leaders uncover a vision for their community, I often hear the greatest generation reminisce about their community’s vibrant past. They express a dream of returning to those days.
Community leaders recognized at Dakota Resources Thriverr Gathering
At Dakota Resources, we end the year by honoring the leaders of our rural communities on their many accomplishments in 2024. Last month’s Learning Network Gathering Awards Banquet recognized four winners in the following categories: 1) a Local Partner award, for someone who shows immense support and leadership to a fellow Learning Network member; 2) Community Innovation, for a community trying something new; 3) the Thriverr award, given to a member who exemplifies the Thriverr principles and culture and is chosen by the Dakota Resources team; and 4) a new Leveling Up award, for economic development organizations realizing a breakthrough in their recent work.
A Note from the President: Closing out 2024
Hey there, Rural Heroes. Imagine if rural communities were not isolated and fading but an interconnected ecosystem. Hopeful. Leaderful. Thriving. That’s exactly what we’ve been helping to build across South Dakota and beyond. And it’s working. This year, more than ever, we’re seeing the old mindset of community competition being shattered. In its place, we’re hosting an ecosystem where rural leaders level up their skills, confidence, and impact–together. Where there was once turf, now there’s trust and collaboration.